Stop OTT bypass fraud and fully monetize voice & A2P channels
Mobik’s OTT Guard is a world leading platform built to detect and block over-the-top (OTT) fraud.
Designed to identify and eliminate fraudulent incoming calls from OTT applications that are bypassing traditional operator interconnection channels and terminating international originating voice calls over operator’s data network free of charge.
Learn more about OTT bypass fraud
Most common OTT fraud activities occur when voice wholesale operators or originated telecoms operators deliberately terminate the international voice minutes through Viber or WhatsApp.
In our resources: How OTT apps became the hooligans of call termination.
Battling OTT calls that bypass traditional termination requires thorough combat. Advanced analysis of data traffic using the enhanced DPI traffic breakdown is a prerequisite. Without a powerful DPI platform utilized for detection of fraudulent OTT calls combating the increasing OTT voice fraud is next to impossible.
Mobik’s OTT Guard includes the most powerful OTT DPI probes available worldwide. The platform detects fraudulent calls and blocks them instantly, whereas all legit calls (national & international) pass through without any interference by OTT Guard.

OTT Guard
OTT Guard is a cutting edge solution which utilizes the power of Mobik’s OTT DPI probes. It efficiently detects OTT traffic on the network and separates fraudulent OTT calls from legit OTT calls.
This technology is based on our proprietary Next Generation Enhanced DPI (NGE-DPI), advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect fraud in real-time. This enables operators to address OTT bypass and combat the hijacking of international voice traffic that is fueling the erosion of already declining voice revenues.
A decrease in traffic originating from one country or operator could happen due to any number of potential reasons, such as:
- traditional voice bypass fraud,
- OTT bypass fraud
- or simply because users are changing their behaviour when it comes to voice calls.
For network operators, analytics to understand why voice traffic is in decline are essential. If the decline is related to OTT fraud, OTT Guard enables the MNO to protect existing voice revenue by blocking OTT fraudulent voice calls. Mobik’s team will also provide the operator with valuable insight based on our global activities in order to proactively combat OTT bypass.
Get an OTT fraud report for your network free of charge:
The power of enhanced DPI-based analytics
Data traffic requires profound probing in order to gain visibility beyond encryption and correctly classify traffic. Our enhanced Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) engine provides much needed clarity and enables operators to detect and block OTT bypass and hijacking of international voice traffic.
Operators who implement our OTT Guard fully-managed solution can better track voice and data traffic on the network and ensure that revenue leakage is minimized. Mobik’s unique ability to correlate DPI-based advanced analytics of data traffic and voice usage monitoring provides a strategic capability operators can use to prevent OTT bypass fraud and protect their voice revenues.
01. OTT Guard includes
- OTT DPI Probes.
- Active Traffic Controler (ATC).
- OTT Guard software platform for OTT fraud detection prevention.
- Big Data Analytics for OTT apps.
- Live dashboards for OTT traffic with data granularity per subscriber.
- Managed service with global probing.
- Daily tests by Mobik.
- 24/7 support of dedicated forensic team.
- Regular updates of OTT applications.
02. OTT Guard enables operators to
- Detect OTT voice bypass fraud in real-time.
- Stop OTT voice bypass in real-time.
- Correctly analyse OTT traffic and visualize the data.
- Visualize potential voice revenue loss with MTR and OTT bypass price comparison.
- Live monitoring and dashboards.
- Real-time reporting of multiple parameters for OTT apps.
- Monetize inbound international voice traffic by blocking OTT bypass fraud.